Dr. Peter Murphy
For Dr. Peter Murphy, it was some classes back in high school that opened up his eyes to a career in medicine. “The first time I ever really enjoyed something academically was studying the biological sciences in high school,” he explains. “I had people in my family who were nurses, but no doctors. I could tell that working in a lab or at a desk wasn’t for me. So the field of medicine, with its ability to help others, seemed like a great choice.”
After graduating from medical school, Dr. Murphy started his career in pediatrics. When he was around 40 years old, he moved his family to Indonesia so he and his wife could work in a health clinic. “There was an enormous need for medical care there, including a high infant mortality rate and other problems. We thought we would stay forever, but it didn’t work out that way. However, it was an amazing experience that I will always remember.”
One of the things that Dr. Murphy truly enjoys about his job is interacting each day with patients. “I love being a pediatrician because of the families you meet. It’s very gratifying when they come in concerned about something and you can reassure them. People are obviously very worried when their children are sick, so we really strive to not only do a great job with the medical care, but also let them know their kids are in good hands. Everyone here is very good at caring for people and it really shows.”
In his spare time Dr. Murphy enjoys outdoor sports such as hiking and climbing, as well as going birding with his wife. “We like to kayak, bike ride, and go camping. We’ve camped from the White Mountains to Mt. Desert Island and have kayaked all over Massachusetts.” Dr. Murphy also enjoys teaching and is a pediatric advanced life support instructor as well as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass.

For Dr. Peter Murphy, it was some classes back in high school that opened up his eyes to a career in medicine. “The first time I ever really enjoyed something academically was studying the biological sciences in high school,” he explains. “I had people in my family who were nurses, but no doctors. I could tell that working in a lab or at a desk wasn’t for me. So the field of medicine, with its ability to help others, seemed like a great choice.”
After graduating from medical school, Dr. Murphy started his career in pediatrics. When he was around 40 years old, he moved his family to Indonesia so he and his wife could work in a health clinic. “There was an enormous need for medical care there, including a high infant mortality rate and other problems. We thought we would stay forever, but it didn’t work out that way. However, it was an amazing experience that I will always remember.”
One of the things that Dr. Murphy truly enjoys about his job is interacting each day with patients. “I love being a pediatrician because of the families you meet. It’s very gratifying when they come in concerned about something and you can reassure them. People are obviously very worried when their children are sick, so we really strive to not only do a great job with the medical care, but also let them know their kids are in good hands. Everyone here is very good at caring for people and it really shows.”
In his spare time Dr. Murphy enjoys outdoor sports such as hiking and climbing, as well as going birding with his wife. “We like to kayak, bike ride, and go camping. We’ve camped from the White Mountains to Mt. Desert Island and have kayaked all over Massachusetts.” Dr. Murphy also enjoys teaching and is a pediatric advanced life support instructor as well as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass.